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When to Stop Breastfeeding

by T Akery November 27th, 2013| Care, Infants/Toddlers
There are many benefits to breastfeeding. But as children grow older, they start taking in the nutrients that breastfeeding provides on their own. Since every child is different, there is no right answer to the question of when to stop. However, there are some signs that signal the time
baby hair

Tips on Washing Baby’s Hair

by T Akery November 13th, 2013| Care, Infants/Toddlers
Babies' hair is a fine mess of thin hairs that does require at least some cleansing on a regular basis. While their hair doesn't need to be washed everyday, it still needs some care. So, here are some tips to help you take care of baby's hair.

Have everything ready
baby n bottle

Keeping Infants Hydrated

by T Akery October 30th, 2013| Care, Infants/Toddlers
While a newborn gets most of its hydration through the breast or through bottle feedings, an infant older than six months requires some water intake. This is because their diets have shifted from pure liquid to more solid foods. Thus, providing them with water to stay hydrated is an
sunchild drawing

Protecting Your Toddler from the Sun

by T Akery August 6th, 2013| Care, Infants/Toddlers
Summer means spending time outside playing under the summer sun. Even though this is a fun activity, the summer sun is also very brutal on skin. A sunburn is very painful for toddlers who already have a hard time expressing their feelings. This means more meltdowns and less sleep
child behind glass

Protecting Your Toddler’s Identity

by T Akery July 8th, 2013| Care, Infants/Toddlers
Identity theft is a major issue and thieves will still anybody's identity, even that of your toddler. While your toddler probably isn't giving away their vital information online, it is possible that you are doing that for them. So, it is important to take the same precautions for your
