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Parenting and Chicken Nuggets

by TK September 24th, 2008| Helpful Hints
Generally speaking, I have semi-adventuresome eaters in my four kids.  My wife and I are foodies to the nth degree- we eat everything and will try cooking in any style.  So, our children get all of our experiments.  But sometimes when you are at a restaurant, nothing saves you as

Read, Read, Read

by Michele September 10th, 2008| Helpful Hints
As the school year is beginning, many parents are asking what they can do to help their children grow in learning.  The answer that most teachers will give is simply, "Read."

As we all know, reading is important, but it often takes a backseat to playdates, music lessons, and practices

Tips in Parenting a Shy Child

by Rosanne Lorraine August 19th, 2008| Helpful Hints

Shyness may seem endearing at times, but it also presents a lot of drawbacks for a person. Most people are shy when they are kids, but they learn to outgrow this shyness through exposure and social interaction. However, there are kids who carry their shyness through adulthood. Their lives

Breakfast and a Game with Kids

by TK July 20th, 2008| Helpful Hints
As a father of four with two early stage companies, I do not get the opportunity to take a couple of the kids out for a meal often. But this humid Saturday morning in New Hampshire I was able to take one daughter and one son to breakfast at

Try a “Greens” Shake!

by Melissa May 15th, 2008| Helpful Hints

Are you having trouble getting your youngsters to eat their leafy greens? Put them in a shake! I know, it sounds weird and...well...disgusting, but it's not as bad as you might think. A "greens" shake is actually quite tasty.

Gum in Clothing?

by Michele May 6th, 2008| Helpful Hints
Children and chewing gum make for an interesting combination. Although blowing bubbles can be a great pastime, there are downfalls to this fun.

Gum in your child's clothing.

So, what is one to do when the piece of gum's final placement is not in the trash but on clothing? I

The Power of Reading

by LJ Dovichi April 9th, 2008| Helpful Hints
I love to read and when I had my son, I stocked up on lots of children's books so I could impart my love of reading onto him. When he was three months old, we started with cloth picture books, the ones that crinkled and beeped with chewable corners. I
