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Cool Parenting

by Gumer Liston January 7th, 2009| Helpful Hints

Before I became a father I thought that becoming a "cool dad" was easy. But now my three year-old son is teaching me that parenthood is a big and complicated thing that could not be boxed with a term as simple as "cool dad". Before I became a father


Books, Pictures, Stories, and Your Child

by Gumer Liston December 30th, 2008| Helpful Hints
When your child starts to show interest in books, the best thing that you, as a parent, can do is to encourage him. It is usually at the age of three that most children begin loving books. One very good way to build a strong bond with your child is

Want to Win $25?

by Michele December 19th, 2008| Helpful Hints
In the spirit of the holiday season, Wasabi Media Group is launching the Doubly Good December Contest.  This contest will reward one reader and one writer with a cash prize of 25 dollars each.

In order to qualify for the reader's prize, all you need to

Safe in the Snow

by Louise December 9th, 2008| Helpful Hints
I can remember that when I was really little, I loved to shovel. (I doubt any of us can say that truthfully now.) When my parents went out to shovel, I'd follow them, mimicking the loads of snow they would carry, consequently falling under the weight. Shoveling can be dangerous

Being Thankful

by Michele November 27th, 2008| Helpful Hints
If you are celebrating Thanksgiving today, don't forget to take the time and be thankful.  For many of us are day is filled with hectic activity.  Cooking, cleaning, making sure the kids are ready (for company or to travel), and more fill this holiday.

However, this day is based on

Gut Instincts

by Michele November 20th, 2008| Helpful Hints
We all have experienced it- that strange feeling that something isn't quite right.  Of course, gut instincts aren't 100% accurate, but they should be trusted.  Children get these feelings also, but they may not know what to do with them.   That is why it is very important to tell your

If You Have the Time. . .

by Michele November 13th, 2008| Helpful Hints
As a mom of four children, I know how busy life can be.  I always am trying to find five minutes to fit one more task into my day.  Quite often I do this by compiling tasks:  bringing clothes to the drycleaner on my way to the grocery store, quizzing

A Babysitter Follow-Up

by Michele November 6th, 2008| Helpful Hints
Recently, an article was posted on determining how much to pay a babysitter.  With the thought of babysitting in mind, I wondered at what age is it acceptable for a person to start babysitting. I understand that the maturity of each individual will play a part in that determination, but

How To: Choose a Price for Babysitting

by Louise November 4th, 2008| Helpful Hints
As a babysitter, I know that picking the pay rate can be a delicate process. As stated in babysitters.com,  these rates, by the hour, generally range from $5 to $15. There's quite a big gap between the two; it's important to settle on a number that both sides

Contest: WMG Giving Thanks Give Away

by Michele October 29th, 2008| Helpful Hints
Wasabi Media Group (WMG) announces our largest contest ever.  Almost $2,000 in prizes and everyone that enters is guaranteed to get at least $50 in free advertising!!

The Prize Packs

Prize Pack 1 ($1,000 value) - A Free Business Edition Wiki for 1 Year at PBWiki - http://www.pbwiki.com

Prize Pack 2

Teach your Kids to Remain Safe

by Rosanne Lorraine October 7th, 2008| Helpful Hints
By the age of three, it is important for you to teach your kids on how they can remain safe. You should particularly concentrate on road safety. Show them places where they can play securely, and point out places they should avoid. Letting them know why busy roads are dangerous

The Bedtime Routine

by Louise September 25th, 2008| Helpful Hints
Sleep is definitely one of the most important things in a child's day. A child who does not get a sufficient amount of sleep is likely to have more trouble concentrating. Consequently, lack of sleep also can lead to poor behavior. It is important to note that the amount of
