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TV as Family Entertainment: Teens

by YPI Editors September 23rd, 2024| Entertainment, Teens

The teen years are busy years. Actually all parenting years are busy, they just take different formats. In the teen years, the busy parts come from sports, extracurricular activities, social events, school assignments, after school jobs, and more. With all of

martial arts

Entertaining Fitness for Teens

by Jane Wangersky May 13th, 2024| Entertainment, Teens

Teens -- and adults -- first thoughts on fitness and entertainment may be that the two are mutually exclusive. Unless, maybe, you listen to music while running . . . no, wait, that's not safe. But there are plenty of things

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Teens, Parents, and Entertainment: The Divide

by Jane Wangersky March 20th, 2023| Entertainment, Teens

Entertainment can bring a family a little closer together or drive them a fair way further apart. As kids grow into teens, parents will probably notice less togetherness and more apart-ness, in this as in lots of other things. The

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Teen’s Perspective on Spring Entertainment

by Sam P. April 1st, 2018| Entertainment, Teens
With so many new addicting phone apps and TV shows (I'm looking at you, Stop) we often take for granted what has been given to us naturally for entertainment.  With spring here and summer approaching quickly we need to take advantage of the nature surrounding us and use our natural resources

What to Look for in Your First Guitar Teacher

by Editorial Team March 31st, 2016| Entertainment, Teens
Knowing you want to play the guitar was an easy decision. Maybe it was a last minute addition to your list of New Year’s resolutions, or perhaps it was a desire decades in the making. However you came about the idea that this year would be the year, now that

5 Feel Good Movies for Teens

by Jane Wangersky January 29th, 2016| Entertainment, Teens
Right about this time of year -- Christmas and New Year are over, it’s still winter, and we’re all back at our everyday tasks -- everyone, especially teens with all their emotional ups and downs, can benefit from taking a break to see a good movie. A feel good movie,
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For Teens, Music and Movies Still Reign

by Jane Wangersky November 27th, 2015| Entertainment, Teens
It can be a challenge to write about teens and entertainment. It's true I have 11 years’ uninterrupted experience of mothering teens (with the baby turning 13 just before the firstborn turned 20), but it can still be hard to tell the difference between a teen who’s having a
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Entertainment’s Impact on Teen Smoking

by Jane Wangersky July 17th, 2015| Entertainment, Teens
Though only 8% of teens in the U.S. smoke -- according to truth®, a national youth smoking prevention campaign -- that still means two million kids alive today will die prematurely from diseases caused by smoking, says the Center for Disease Control. Obviously, teen smoking
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Teen’s Perspective on The Office

by Sam P. May 29th, 2015| Entertainment, Teens
I love The Office.  I have seen, literally, every episode.  I think I have watched every season about three times by now.  I am dead serious; when I finally got Netflix, for those of you don't have it, I highly suggest it. It was the first show I binge
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Teen’s Perspective on MTV

by Sam P. February 20th, 2015| Entertainment, Teens
If I can be honest, I love a good reality TV show every once in a while, but one about teen pregnancies? Not so much.  Now, I may be called a hypocrite for saying this as I am not old enough to have ever watched MTV when it really
