Tweens can have hectic schedules with school, sports, and other extracurricular activities. They can become totally exhausted, not to mention you, too. Keeping up with our adult work and family is tough enough, but we have to find a balance that works, so that everyone isn’t frazzled and stressed. Follow
As an advisor at a college, I encounter some students who tackle the transition from high school to college with relative ease, as well as those who suffer a multitude of issues, from social to academic.
Study after study tells parents that children spend too much time on electronic devices. Â The ramifications of doing so are many, including decreased social development. This summer, work with your tween to improve his or her social skills by moving away from the computer, and into the real world.
When is the right time to buy your daughter's first bra? There really isn't a specific age, but there are some signs and situations that might bring the dilemma to the table. Your daughter may be developing and may need support
Twitter is one of the largest and most popular social media sites on the internet. It allows for quick and easy communication between friends but limits posts to 140 characters, so long dissertations are not a possibility. From the outside looking in, Twitter appears to be a safe enough site
Social media has often been deemed as the good, the bad, and the ugly. Like most everything, depending upon how it is used determines if it is a benefit or a detriment. If you are the parent of a tween-aged child, participating in social media activities is no doubt of
Tweens spend a lot of time on the computer. From playing video games, to participating in social media, to watching Netflix, tweens spend a good portion of their downtime staring at a computer monitor. Â You might think you know about computer safety, but there is a good chance you
Elementary kids, ages six to nine, don’t like the term babysitter, as they feel they are too old to be cared for like babies and yet they are too young to stay home alone. So instead parents can call a kidsitter to spend time with their children when they
Having children changes the dynamic of your life. You have many more responsibilities and you often find that you end up taking a trip down memory lane and revisiting things from your childhood. One of the things that you’re likely to revisit is homework. In these moments, you may find
Tweens are at that lovely/awkward stage in childhood. They aren't little enough to want to play in the sprinklers or kiddie pool. They also aren't old enough to drive to the beach or have friends that are old enough to bring them. So, how's a tween to have some water
If you're a tween reading this article, you probably have the answer already. It's easy to survive No TV Week. Simply use your tablet. Or phone. Or laptop. However, that isn't the point of No TV Week. And the actual title of the week is No Screen Week. Now, how
According to some sources, the average age at which a child gets his first cell phone is now about ten. For most American children, that means he is somewhere between fourth and sixth grade.
Although as parents, you've probably considered the pros and cons of giving your child her first phone