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Archives for Tweens


Tweeting Tweens

by T Akery April 12th, 2013| Tweens
Twitter is quite the outlet for expression. Condensing a thought into a short sentence is a challenge. As such, parents have to be concerned about what their tweens are saying on their Twitter accounts. Just like Facebook or any other social media outlet, tweens have just as much potential

Your Tween and PG-13

by T Akery March 14th, 2013| Tweens
Your tween is begging to buy that game or watch that movie. Yet, it has a PG-13 rating on the label. You say No and the campaign begins. At some point, you finally give in without knowing the offensive contents. Then it seems like your No is ineffective. While

Tweens: Respect the Law

by Lori Sciame March 12th, 2013| Behavior, Tweens
For some reason, children start to have negative perceptions of law enforcement as they grow into tweens and teens. This is unfortunate, as police officers truly care about youth in America.  Unlike firefighters, who remain a hero to people of all ages, police officers become known to tweens and

Do We Clique?

by Lori Sciame February 18th, 2013| Tweens
Until middle school, children tend to be more accepting of each other.  Then, around the age of 11, children will begin to group themselves (and each other) into cliques.  There are the jocks, the nerds, the goths, the drama/music kids, the popular group, and more.  Although the names of
girl in the computer

Tween Revenge Web Posting

by T Akery February 13th, 2013| Tweens
There are certain things parents should be aware of when it comes to the internet. One of those things has been rumbling around the internet. It concerns breakups and what lengths people will go to get revenge. They are called revenge websites. While they are supposed to be pictures
kids football

Time for Tackle?

by Ronald A. Rowe February 1st, 2013| Tweens
It’s a decision that haunts many parents during the tween years. Your child has been playing flag football for years with comparatively high levels of success and low occurrences of injury. Now that he’s a tween, some of his friends are moving on to tackle football, others are continuing

Tweens and Tablets: Bad Mix?

by Lori Sciame January 23rd, 2013| Tweens
Years ago, hula hoops topped the list of what tweens wanted.  A generation later, tweens latched onto pogo sticks, and still later, that generation's children loved the scooter. What tweens want now, however, costs much more than many parents can afford, and the item curtails physical activity

Tweens and Xbox Live

by T Akery January 15th, 2013| Tweens
The Xbox is one of the most popular game consoles and gaming platforms. But like the Internet, the online feature has a few things that parents might not be aware of. Just like the Internet, parents need to be aware of these things before letting your tween
leap of boy

Tweens: What They Can and Can’t Do

by Ronald A. Rowe January 4th, 2013| Tweens
One of the greatest challenges of being a tween is knowing what you can and cannot do. To the tween mind, the world appears wide open. Anything kids can do is fair game but so is anything a young adult can do. The great misconception of tweenagedom

Gun Safety for Tweens

by T Akery December 24th, 2012| Tweens
The temptation to have a gun in the house is greater than ever. With the tragedy of Sandy Hook Elementary still looming, your tween's safety has moved to the forefront. Thus, the urge to get protection is strong. But as parents, it is up to us to instill a

Tween Girls and Confidence

by Lori Sciame December 13th, 2012| Tweens
Tween girls have it rough.  Not only do they experience the scary changes that come along with puberty, they experience mixed messages concerning their role in society.  Some may argue that gender stereotypes have gone by the wayside; however, society still can dictate how a young woman should act

The Power of Tweens

by Ronald A. Rowe December 6th, 2012| Tweens
Do not underestimate the power of tweens. The term tween was coined by Madison Avenue marketing types because it sounds a lot cooler than "pre-adolescents". It wasn’t because the advertising gurus of the world were concerned about the physical and psychological development of your child. It was because they
