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Archives for Tweens


Skin Protection for Tweens

by T Akery November 19th, 2013| Safety, Tweens
When your children were babies and toddlers, you probably always had a bottle of sunscreen on hand for their time playing out in the sun. But as your toddler grows, the sunscreen sometimes get shoved to the side and no longer becomes the priority that it once was. However,
safety sign

Old Safety Rules Still Apply

by Lori Sciame November 12th, 2013| Elementary, Safety, Safety
I have vivid memories of being kept safe by following a set of specific rules as a child.  My dad had made it his mission to protect me from every potential hazard, from stranger danger to fire hazards.  Even though times have changed dramatically since my own childhood, some
table full of food

Peri-Menopause and Tween Parenting

by Ronald A. Rowe November 8th, 2013| Tweens
Today's topic is a little bit out of my area of expertise.  Sure, I know a lot about parenting a tween.   But perimenopause?  I can't say that I've had the experience.  But being that my lovely wife and I had our child a little later in life, I do know someone who is an
girl bench phone

Tween Bullying Over Social Media

by T Akery October 28th, 2013| Safety, Tweens
It is always disturbing to read about the death of a tween to suicide from bullying. The death of Rebecca Sedwick  in the news last week was about this very thing. But there are some real lessons for parents to learn from this tragedy. There is a lot
family on shore

For the Love of Tweens

by Lori Sciame October 23rd, 2013| Social, Tweens
By the time children hit the tween years, they begin to value social relationships more than when they were little.  No longer is mom or dad the most important influence in their lives.  Instead, friends become their preferred companions.

At least that's what many parents of tweens believe to be
vampire girl


by Ronald A. Rowe October 11th, 2013| Safety, Tweens
Halloween is a time for scary tales of headless horsemen, reanimated corpses, and blood sucking monsters. Those stories are meant to be taken with a grain of salt and all in good fun. But some of the terrors of Halloween are all too real. And our tweens, with their
thoughtful girl muriel m sawicki

Me, a Sixth Grader?

by Lori Sciame September 30th, 2013| Tweens
On the last day of school in June, the local grade school hosts an "off to middle school party" for the departing fifth graders.  During the gala two hour event, the fifth graders gather in the gymnasium to sign yearbooks, to eat snacks, and to dance.  At precisely 3:00
kids team

Keeping Up the Sports for Tweens

by T Akery September 27th, 2013| Tweens
Tweens need to stay active to stay in shape. Joining a sport helps with this goal. There are also additional benefits from playing. But the task of finding the right sport takes a bit of patience and time. It is often hard to determine what your tween is good
school help

Tweens: Sixth Grade Success

by Lori Sciame September 2nd, 2013| School, Tweens
Starting 6th grade can be a scary experience for 11 year olds. New teachers, new friends, new expectations...it can feel overwhelming to a tween who is entering the doors of middle school for the first time. No longer young enough to be in grade school, but not old enough
video game fan

Unplugging the Video Game Cord for Your Tween

by T Akery August 28th, 2013| Behavior, Tweens
Video games are fun. But sometimes, too much is just too much. It certainly is with tweens who choose this as their only entertainment source. Even though they are blowing up bad guys on the tv screen and staying out of trouble doing so, you really have to consider

Encouraging Tween Potential

by Ronald A. Rowe August 16th, 2013| Tweens
Part of this great parenting adventure is encouraging our Tweens to explore their talents and interests. I recently challenged my 12-year-old son to write a short story, in three hundred words or less, inspired by one of his favorite literary works. It's the sort of thing that a writer
helping student

School Success Guaranteed!

by Lori Sciame August 5th, 2013| School, Tweens
A complaint that I hear often from middle school teachers: lack of parental involvement.  For some reason, parents who have previously taken an active role in their child's education tend to back off once a child reaches middle school and the tween years.  The reasons vary from parent to
