Recently, I received my babysitting license from the Red Cross, so I have begun babysitting, and I, like many teens, am so glad I can babysit!
Like many entrepreneurial teens, I have begun babysitting. First, I started working for family but soon learned that I would make more money with a Red Cross license, so I went to the class. The class taught us students many things, such as how to properly change a diaper (I already knew that!), how to assess injuries, how to do a lot of first aid, how to solve problems/negotiate with kids, and other general care things. Also, we received a license from the Red Cross, certifying us as Red Cross approved baby sitters, which many parents will ask for.
Now, I have babysat since then but only for family. Often, I will babysit one to all of my three sibling or my cousins. One of the things I learned is to be careful of which age range to work in. I think that kids from three to eight are easiest. Although they they require more care, they won’t fight back or argue as much as older kids. (Although that is not much of a problem for me because I have two sisters that are two years younger than me.)
Here are some ways you can deal with fighting and arguing:
- Consequences: A classic due to effectiveness. If they argue or fight, tell them that they won’t get dessert, TV tonight, etc.*
- Phone Call: If you have a phone, whip it out and pretend to call their mom or dad. Within a few seconds of talking they will stop and plead you not to tell.*
- Take a Hostage: Ok, well don’t really, but take something like a toy and only give it back if they comply to the demand of better behavior.*
- Ignore Them: Plain and simple and very self-explanatory.*
*All tested very successfully for me. Your results many vary.
Now, here are some no-nos:
- Fighting Back Physically: Never, ever do this. You may never get a job again!
- Offering a Reward for Ending Bad Behavior: The child will connect bad behavior with a reward and repeated the action to receive more rewards.
Babysitting is tough, but teaches teens well and pays well, too!