We are used to placing our children on a pedestal, but are we able to admit they are not developing the way they should be? All of us want the best for our kids, and sometimes that means asking for help.
There seems to be something a little odd about our generation and many that have come before us. We are willing to ask for the wise counsel of a personal trainer or a financial adviser, but afraid to talk to a therapist. The same fear is within us when it comes to our children.
The funny thing is that if someone I knew said they were seeing a therapist or taking their child to a behavior specialist, I would think nothing of it. Then why do I think it is such a bad thing for me to do. I should not think this way.
My daughter was having some trouble pronouncing some words and some sounds. My pediatrician recommended that we take her to a speech therapist. I was hesitant to allow her to get some type of label on her. That is until I saw the progress she was making and the change in her when she felt she could articulate things better. It was, well, refreshing. I am so thankful that I did not allow my fear of seeking therapy get in the way.
Fast forward a few years and my two-year old son was hardly speaking. He was way behind the developmental curve and we had absolutely no issues this time requesting help. After a few months, he was showing vast improvement and recently used a ten word sentence.
Both of my children lagged in developmental areas. Although, they most likely would “get there†eventually, it would have frustrated them to continue down their path. The purpose of those developmental charts is that is where children should be and when they are not keeping up with their peers, they will notice.
There is nothing wrong with admitting our children are not always in the 97th percentile on every little chart. It is important to realize where they are lagging and get them the extra coaching they need now before they get into school and have difficulty keeping up with the class. When we allow them to fall behind, they find other ways to cope and it is often with bad behavior.
Seeking help for our children and admitting they could use a little extra assistance is the best way to set them up for future success and a great way to teach them that we are not perfect.