Who’d have thought that staring at your own face in the mirror would be such an odious task? Unlike Narcissus, your own reflection isn’t a fascinating landscape to study. Instead, it’s a pockmarked mess of spots, grease and the kind of pallor usually associated with a person addicted to Gregg’s pasties.
It’s probably not as bad as you think, but there’s always room for improvement where beauty is concerned.
With that in mind, we’ve come up with a few top tips that will help you in your quest towards true beauty. Take a look – with even one or two implemented, your skin will look like a dream come true.
Enjoy those minerals
The average foundation can make you look about as appealing as a sad clown in the rain. Caked-on in a mangy mass, high street products can look clumpy and uneven. Moreover, the numerous chemical additives within the high street makeup selection is more likely to cause a skin rash or any other irritation.
So what’s the alternative?
Mineral makeup has been making waves across Hollywood industries, becoming the makeup artists’ cosmetic of choice because of its light tone.
In terms of foundation, minerals will sit on the skin in an even pattern, avoiding the kind of tone that looks uneven or cakey.
And its unfussy set of ingredients avoids skin irritation. So give it a go!
H2O ready
Are you guzzling Diet Coke and coffee as though it was going out of fashion? Then the root of your skin problems is only too clear.
Until you cut out sugary drinks, you can say goodbye to pimple-free skin.
Instead, try eight glasses of water a day. Adding a plus-size amount of water to your diet will keep your pores clear and lead to clearer, rosier skin.
This is because of an increase in the rapidity of blood flowing through the veins, creating healthier looking pores. So put down that Fanta – and grab a sweet glass of H20!
15 a day
Persuading yourself to exercise can sometimes feel like dragging a tractor uphill with your teeth – only more so. After all, you’ve got a Game of Thrones boxset burning a hole thoruigh your Blu-ray player.
But getting some get-up-and-go doesn’t have to be a mountainous task. All you have to do is cut down on the length of time you exercise for.
Take on a cool 15 minutes of exercise every day. You’ll soon develop into a cardio pro who wants more and more exercise in your day.
Brought to you by our friend, Kevin F.